A Lightweight, High Strength,
Dexterous Manipulator for Commercial Applications, Co-authored with N. Marzwell and
S. Cohan, NASA Technology 2001 Conference, San Jose, CA December 3-5, 1991
Design and Development of a Compact,
Modular, 7-Axis Manipulator Arm, Co-authored with S. Cohan, American Nuclear Society Winter
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 10-13, 1991
Design of a Reconfigurable, Adaptive
Shape Hand,
Third Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems,
Blockbot: A robot to Automate the Construction of Concrete-Block Walls,
Co-authored with Professor A. Slocum, Robotics, Fall 1987
Design and Construction of an
Interchangeable End Effector Interface for a Space Teleoperator Manipulator Arm, Bachelor of Science Thesis, MIT
Theoretical Analysis of the
Parachute Bridling System Under Static Loading, SEAS final report to the U.S.
Forest Service, Foster-Miller, 1986