Publications – Bruce Schena


Design of a Global Network of Interactive, Force-Feedback Sculpture, D.Eng. dissertation, Stanford University, 1995

Art & Technology: Paths, Intersections, Artifacts, invited paper for Virtually There – The Impact of Interactive Media on the Arts in the Twentieth Century, Catherine Smith Gallery, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, July 1995

Precision Machine Design (ISBN: 0872634922), Alexander H. Slocum, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, Contributing author - wrote portions of Chapter 10: Power Generation and Transmission

A Lightweight, High Strength, Dexterous Manipulator for Commercial Applications, Co-authored with N. Marzwell and S. Cohan, NASA Technology 2001 Conference, San Jose, CA December 3-5, 1991

Design and Development of a Compact, Modular, 7-Axis Manipulator Arm, Co-authored with S. Cohan, American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 10-13, 1991

Design of a Reconfigurable, Adaptive Shape Hand, Third Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems,
Charleston, SC, March 13-16, 1989 

Design Methodology for Large Work Volume Robotic Manipulators: Theory and Application, Master of Science thesis, MIT, 1987 

Blockbot: A robot to Automate the Construction of Concrete-Block Wall
s, Co-authored with Professor A. Slocum, Robotics, Fall 1987

Construction Automation Research at MIT, contributing author, Fourth International Symposium on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Building Construction, Haifa, Israel, June 1987 

Design and Construction of an Interchangeable End Effector Interface for a Space Teleoperator Manipulator Arm
, Bachelor of Science Thesis, MIT 1986

Theoretical Analysis of the Parachute Bridling System Under Static Loading
, SEAS final report to the U.S. Forest Service, Foster-Miller, 1986